Glasgow Imaging Facility (GIF)

GIF has imaging technologies that cover whole body imaging, conventional wide-field, confocal and multi-photon microscopy, to high-resolution approaches breaking the resolution limit of light. Techniques available are Spinning Disk Confocal, Multiphoton, High Content InCell, Super-Resolution (3D-SIM and STORM), wide-field deconvolution (DV-Core and Leica DMi8), In Vivo systems (IVIS), TEM and the imaging flow cytometer ImageStream.  Explore some of the systems and resources they offer users below, and be sure to check out their website for full details and the most up-to-date information.

MicroscopeUpright or invertedTimelapseMultipositionHO LicensedClass II PathogenOther features  
JEOL 1200 EX TEMImmuno-EM, Negative staining
Leica DMi8 WidefieldInvertedPhase contrast, deconvolution
Nikon A1-HR ConfocalInvertedPhase contrast, high speed imaging capabilities, 100X silicon lens
Zeiss LSM 880 ConfocalUprightCleared sample capabilities
Zeiss Elyra PS.1InvertedTIRF, SIM, PALM, STORM
Zeiss Spinning Disk ConfocalInverted
Zeiss LSM7 MultiphotonUpright
GE InCell 2000 WidefieldInvertedHigh throughput capabilities
DV-Core WidefieldInvertedDeconvolution
ImageStream Imaging Cytometer
  • Amira
  • Huygens
  • ICY
  • Imaris
  • Volocity
  • FIJI
  • ImageJ
  • Imagine (for imaging cytomter data)
  • Cellprofiler
  • Assisted imaging sessions
  • Access to incubators
  • Access to dissecting microscope
  • Sample preparation