2017 Symposium

The Scottish Microscopy Group will hold its annual meeting, the 45th symposium, on Wednesday November 22nd at the Beatson Institute at the Garscube Campus in Glasgow.

The theme this year is “Resolution”.

Updated programme available below (including short selected talks).

Registration is still open until 17th Nov! 

We will hear talks by experts in their respective fields working at the limits of resolution in a range of techniques ranging from acoustic imaging, flow cytometry with microscopy, through to super-resolution imaging and electron microscopy. With the recent announcement of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of cryo-EM we are proud to have several speakers on this topic in the line-up.

As part of the meeting, three microscope facilities in Glasgow will be featured in short presentations.

Workshops on high-resolution LM imaging and OMERO will be held during an extended lunch break and there is a trade show and an imaging competition.

Do not miss this opportunity to be inspired and educated!!

Keynote speakers:

Ricardo Henriques, UCL, London and Gaia Pigino, MPI, Dresden.

Other speakers:

Sandy Cochran, Glasgow; Fabio Nudelman, Edinburgh; Katie Hughes, Glasgow; Mhairi Towler, Dundee; David Bhella, Glasgow; Ian MacLaren, Glasgow; Leo Carlin, Glasgow


Beatson Microscopy Facility, Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre, National CryoEM Facility

The full programme can be downloaded > SMG2017_final programme

Register and submit your abstract for the Symposium here.

The organisers would like to thank our commercial exhibitors for their support:

ISS Group
Royal Microscopical Society
Thistle Scientific